

I’m Annie!




hey, i’m annie. i am totally cool with changing my mind when presented with new information. 🤪 Lots of things we do now, that are so normal, seemed straight up CRAZY to me a few years ago. This is my list of things I said “HALLLLLSSSS NO” to at some point. In fact, for a few of these things, I thought people who did them were straight up idiots. Or weirdos. Or assholes.


Moral of the story? You never know! Next time you hear of someone doing something you think is so strange, ask them about it! They may have been just like you at some point, and then (gasp!) changed their mind!! I try to give myself grace and laugh when I say “never would I EVERRRRR” and then find myself doing exactly that.

- Homebirth

- Taking pills made from my placenta (both kiddos!)

- Ditch my beloved pumpkin scented candles

- Formula feed (always said I would breastfeed. Was super judgy about it. Before i tried it. And it gave me the worst anxiety. And decided a happy mom makes a happy baby. We’ve done goat’s milk formula for all the babes.)

- But also happily take donor milk from my besties (ali 😍😍)

- Co-sleep (we actually don’t. We only co-sleep the first week or two, then they go next to the bed, then in their rooms in cribs. But the fact that we co-sleep at ALL is hilarious to me because I LOVE my own space)

- No epidural (def used to think I’d be all “give me ALL THE DRUGS”)

- Be a “prepper” - (me: “what the fuck are they prepping for? aliens?? what weirdos.” / also me: “2020 happened. be prepared for ANYTHING. honestly aliens are the least of my worries 🤣💀😅”

- Using essential oils (“why would people rub smelly stuff all over them????”)

- Ditch the mainstream extra strength antiperspirant (“but people who wear natural deodorant SMELL!!” - only for a few weeks while they detox at least 😂😂😂😂)

- Skip a vaccine ... a bunch .. or them all. (“Those people are psychotics who will bring back the plague! They must hate their children! Idiots.”)

- Align with both political parties.

- Drink Kombucha

- Join a network marketing company (“no one makes a living from those pyramid schemes where you have to stalk your friends. Gross. I have a real job.”)

- Buy a Peloton (“i will never be one of “those people” 🤣🤣 still might not be, but i did my first “ride” today and it took me 5 mins to clip in and 5 to figure out how to get out😅😅😂😂)

- Knit.

- Own property in Oklahoma and dream of owning a milk cow and wanting tons of animals and getting dirty everyday.

- Foster care

- Own a juicer.

- Buy a travel trailer RV.

- And a giant truck to tow it.

- Join a group dedicated to detoxing from parasites. (Don’t ask unless you’re prepared to spend hours upon hours with your eyes like this 😳😳😳 trying to un-know things you’ve learned about zappers and coffee enemas and detoxes, all while ordering them at 2am)

- Two words: Coffee enemas.

- Learn to use a firearm.

- Carry a pocket knife.

- Bribe Grey with food. (Now I’m all, “if you pee before we leave the house I’ll buy you a cookie.”)

- Own chickens 

- I used to hate cats and we have one now in Oklahoma lol 

- Homeschool!! (“i will NEVER do that. Great for other parents but hale no.” .... and here we are and i LOVE IT🤣)

Did i miss any?!

Think some of these are cray? So did I 😉