

I’m Annie!



“Conspiracy theorist”

Lots of labels thrown around in the last two-plus years. Let’s be honest, these labels have been thrown around for way longer than that, we’ve just ramped it up when C*vd came along.

These are labels used to slap at someone who is asking questions. Who perhaps disagrees with you. Who has made a different choice. Who is sharing information not shown on the pharma-paid for mainstream news networks.

And guess what?
All those things I was told I was a fear-mongering conspiracy theorist for saying were happening or sharing my fear that we were on that path?
They’ve all come to pass. All of them.

Call me a fucking psychic, I guess.

In two years we’ve seen a lot of “science” we can’t question … a lot of back and forth and lies upon lies.

“It’s only two weeks” (Yeah right)
“Cloth masks work” (Actually N-95s are the way to go)
You can’t grocery shop without a piece of dirty cloth covering your face. Many workplaces require it.
Can’t work without a V.
Don’t worry, two is enough. Okay just kidding you’ll need one more booster. (Coming soon - just wait. “Actually you need 4. Okay fine every six months. Okay once a quarter. Oh, and if you don’t have every single one, you’re a low life anti-Ver.”
Six feet is perfect for social distancing. (Actually 3 feet is fine)
Quarantine for 14 days. (Nah, 10 is good. Okay actually it’s 5 now. Who cares about what the test says. Get back to work!)
The tests are accurate. No they aren’t. Yes they are. Wait not the PCR tho. Oh and we recalled all those home tests. But yeah. They are accurate.
If you’re V’d you can’t get C. Oh wait yes you can. But you can’t spread it! Oh wait, yes you can.
Fully V’d cruises and workplaces are safe. Wait there is an outbreak. Shit.
Nurses are heroes! (Just kidding, fire them if they don’t comply.)
Hospitals are full. (Well we fired half the staff, so that changes what is viewed as “full” in terms of the numbers, but hey, don’t report that.)
Hospitals are full of the unVd! (Well, maybe they broke their leg, and happened to test positive. But don’t report that. Oh, and don’t count the people who haven’t gotten their booster yet. We can make data say whatever we want it too )
V injuries are rare! (I am sure all those young sports players dropping dead of heart attacks is totally a coincidence.
There is no early treatment. (Oh wait, they are still saying that two years later. Hide all the data of ANYTHING ELSE. Just wait until people are so sick they need to go to the hospital. Watch the deaths skyrocket. More fear. More control. At the expense of American lives needlessly lost to money and greed and politics.)
C can only get you walking to your restaurant table. Once you sit down to eat, you’re safe. (It’s a miracle.)
We will never need a V to travel. (International? Good luck.)
Okay, fine, we won’t need a V to fly domestically I mean. (Heard what Fauci and Biden said recently? Just wait.)
Quarantine camps?! That’s insane. It’ll never happen. (Peep Australia.)

I could go on and on.

Point is this.
Do what you want. I don’t care - it’s YOUR body and your life. You are in charge of your own health. (Just like you have been before 2020.)
You are in charge of your own life choices. I respect that.
Stop vilifying those who ASK QUESTIONS about the ever changing “rules” that make no sense in the name of science.
Science is never settled. Science begs for questions to be asked.